How to sex a Yemen chameleon?!
How to sex a Yemen chameleon?!
How to sex a Yemen chameleon?!
Please take time and get through these videos with me…
Overfeeding and overheating causes infertile egg production. 100eggs is very hard to be laid spontaneously as the way out for the eggs can be blocked by a huge fatbody situated in chameleons always in the pelvic region and growing into the body cavaity. This female was just lucky… Hundreds of females die…
Feeder cups become more and more popular, and are recommended by various sources, especially by their producers. They can be very simply made out of a deli cup, jar or glass, but they can be also made from various natural materials like wood, bamboo, bark, or printed from plastic in various designs and colors by 3-D printers.
The very frequent question in Chameleoculture is: "What plants should/should I not use for my captive environment?" As in any questions, it is much better to understand the context and function which the plants play in the ecosystems and what specific relationship and meaning they have for the arboreal (or arboricolous) chameleons, rather than to...
I often hear/read questions repeatedly:
One of the most colorful chameleons of Africa: Kinyongia artytor from N Pare Mts., Tanzania. it was described as a subspecies of K. uthmoelleri, but represents very likely a separate species.
Oxalates? Better safe than sorry
When the chameleon females of the oviparous species come to the end of the gravidity, they need to dig a tunnel in soil to lay their eggs.
An example of male reproduction system: testicles, coloured black by melanin to protect the gonades against destructive UV rays, in typical position one lower than the other. They are attached to the pink kidneys... Two ducti deferens which lead the semen in the direction of cloaca are white.
Bamboo is a type of woody grass that belongs to the family Poaceae. It is known for its tall, slender, and hollow stems, called culms, which grow in various sizes and colors. Bamboo is native mainly to Asia and is widely cultivated for its versatile uses. It has been used for centuries in construction, furniture making, paper production, and as...
Sometimes, providing too much care can be worse than neglecting an animal's needs.
Sometimes, providing too much care can be worse than neglecting an animal's needs.
…amongst many approaches to chameleons husbandry, one has proven to be the ultimately best and is gaining more and more supporters and experts proving it right by science and evidence: the naturalistic chameleon husbandry:
What is the direction of light, we should expose the chameleons to, in indoor cages?
…several dozens of specimens? Well, yes, about 3 dozens.
A spectacular document of female Furcifer labordi in the last tens of minutes of her life journey
Many keepers of chameleons seem not fully understand the difference between
The reality of the tendencies in chameleon husbandry is astonishingly like on a swing. From one extreme to another one.
An awesome environment can be created using living plants in terrariums. It is not only the aesthetic value, but mainly the positive influence of living plants, as integral and natural part of the environment of chameleons in the wild and many many interactions, starting from moderating humidity and exchange, positive influence of etheric oils, to...
The color change of a female during courtship and mating
…and if you come to a territory, where there are no chameleons there, you simply pick the nicest lizard sitting on a tree, gIving it a tricky name: False Chameleon.
A paradox of Cuteness and Cruelty: the tranlucent yemen chameleons and their destiny…
A real beast amongst chameleons: the desert chameleon, Chamaeleo namaquensis from Namibia
Has it ever happened to you that while handling a chameleon outside of its terrarium, it defecated on your hand? Or have you heard about it or experienced it regularly? Some people let their imagination run wild and claim, for example, that chameleons need to feel space beneath them in order to defecate, or that they try to impose the...
One of the most severe disorders in chameleons is mouth rot.
When keeping chameleons in captivity, it is crucial to ensure their health and well-being. However, chameleons are adept at concealing symptoms of illness, making it challenging to detect any disorders or diseases they may have - they are masters of disguise and can foul us easily. Therefore, it is essential to pay close attention to details and...
We often hear from chameleon keepers, that basking is a must because otherwise the chameleon can not digest.
It is already a while when I became known in the global chameleon community by shouting on people that their chameleons are overfed and ill - obese. The beginning of the fight for good health of chameleons against overfeeding was terrible. Ignorance, hate, no understanding was the daily issues I faced. Happily, wise people supported me and...