Trioceros jonstoni from The Ruwenzori Mts…
The Johnston's Three-Horned Chameleon, Trioceros jonstoni from The Ruwenzori Mts… is typical with the red eyelids...
The Johnston's Three-Horned Chameleon, Trioceros jonstoni from The Ruwenzori Mts… is typical with the red eyelids...
Fog drinking is one of the most naturalistic ways of the hydration if the chameleons: in the wild as well as in captivity...
Then they receive an advice from an expert who tries to counsel them as safely as possible, then they speculate and compare again.
I am sorry for the provocative title. Gutloading is a fashion with no base.
I want here to be a devil's advocate...
Millions of years, the mother Nature finetuned the process and in case of panthers, taught the females to lay their eggs in shallow, 5-7cm only deep holes in half shade and half sun, in light sandy soil. The eggs were incubated all together, exposed to diapause, circadian and seasonal temperature fluctuations little rain from time to time, bigger...
The Machakos population of the Jackson's Three-horned Chameleon, Trioceros jacksonii, is the one where the males are exceptionally colorful.
The UV exposure is an issue we know not enough about till now. But what we know, is enough, to keep our animals healthy and fit to reproduce.
Enjoy the unbelieveable beauty of the King of the rainforest: Calumma parsonii (orange eye form)…
A far developed chameleon embryo, Furcifer pardalis, Nosy Be local form, about 4-6 weeks prior to clutch.
Has your female already laid eggs?
The mating season falls into the month of October
The first life photographs of the majestic Yemen chameleon where shot in 1961, but waited till 2022 to be published
The handbook of Amphibians and Reptiles of North-East Africa, has finally found a way into my collection!
A contribution to the preservation of possibly extinct form from the wild
The first ever article about the observations in the wild and captive management of the Yemen Chameleons written by the nestor of Czech herpetoculture, Jan Hromádka, in memoriam...
The Crested Chameleon, Trioceros cristatus, from Cameroon: second generation in captivity.
Plastics and fake plants and vines are good for
The paired copulatory organ of chameleons, the so-called Hemipenis, is sometimes everted and has difficulties to get retracted back into the hemipeneal pockets. See how to solve this situation:
The UV light is a very important factor for the chameleons, being of vital and lethal significance for them. It helps them to survive and kills them at same time. Learn more about UV light in the wide context of chameleon life on this video:
More than 90% of the mighty Yemen chameleons are facing heavy overheating in captivity. I do not understand it, because nowadays, it is so easy to get reliable information about their country of origin, where they inhabit high mountain slopes and valleys at the elevation of above 4000 feet above sea level. Most of the populations, from which the...
If we increase the temperatures at which we keep chameleons, their metabolism speeds up, they start living quicker. They need to eat and drink more in same time period to maintain homeostasis (to stay at same weight, to maintain same metabolic ballance)…
Catterpillars of Bombyx mori, strangely called silkworm in English, are notoriously known for the the production of silk. They are moths, insects of the family Bombycidae. The species has been so genetically altered by humans that it can no longer survive independently in nature, particularly since the adults have lost the ability to fly. They have...
During this time, it has spread the knowledge about chameleons in the wild and in captivity to the public and has saved thousands of chameleon lives! Tohether with two alied groups: YEMEN CHAMELEON CONSULTING ROOM and PANTHER CHAMELEON CONSULTING ROOM, it grew to the total of almost 15.000 members! Imoressive in a country with only 10M nationals!
I repeatedly see misinterpreting the coloration of females...
When spring arrives and the sun begins to shine brightly, there is a strong temptation to place chameleons outdoors to bask in the natural sunlight, breathe fresh air, and experience the increased humidity and cool, refreshing nights. While these conditions are highly beneficial for chameleons, it is crucial to proceed with caution and take the...
Chameleons evolved approx. 100 millions of years ago in eastern Africa. During their long evolution, they naturally spread to neighboring territories and conquered parts of Southern and central Europe, east over Asia to India and China and to Madagascar. Due to climatic changes, they lost parts if the northern territories later on. They are the...
COLOR OF THE CAGE WALL for arboreal chameleons in the naturalistic husbandry