The handbook of Amphibians and Reptiles of North-East Africa


A great book,

The handbook of Amphibians and Reptiles of North-East Africa, has finally found a way into my collection!

It has been written by the well known African reptile supreme expert,

Stephen Spawls, whom I have the privilege to call a friend for over three decades already,

a Czech herpetologist, Tomas Mazuch, whom I am honored to know from his student times

and Mohammad Abubakr.

The great book depicts and describes all herps from the Horn of Africa up to the mediterranean sea coast.

It is one of its kind and combines the best what has been known about herps in this territory the way how a comprehensive fieldguide is written!

Concerning chameleons, there is a complete account of the known forms, out of which some are really spectacular -

like the Two horned Bale Chameleon Trioceros balebicornutus or

the newly described Trioceros wolfgangboehmei

Finally, someone had the courage to elevate the unique and isolated Chamaeleo ruspolii to the specific rank which it IMHO deserves indeed…

Well done, Steve, Tomas and Mohammed! You have set another important milestone in the Herpetology of Africa.

My deepest respect and love!

Author: Petr Nečas