Feeding feeders vs Gutloading

Many keepers of chameleons seem not fully understand the difference between
Feeding quality food to feeder
The food is consumed by the feeder and becomes an integral part of its body
(Veggies and other things for the feeder to be fit and healthy)
is a process when we use the body of a feeder as an envelop for the items which we need to get undigested into the body of the chameleon.
(For the chameleon to be fit and healthy - so no veggies as a rule. The most natural gutload in the wild is bee pollen and hay plus anything feeders feed on recently. This, we can imitate and add necessary items such as bee pollen, honey, manuka honey, fruits etc. Artificial or on-purpose gutload contains e.g. supplements and/or natural or synthetic medication.)
So, the first is derived from the needs of the feeder and the second from the needs of the chameleon.
Disclaimer: The complication in understanding these two processes is, some people, even VETs, will consider both same and consider gutloading to be synonym of feeding. Do not get confused, for us, those are two different things, driven by different logic and purpose.