Chameleons Mimicking Scorpions: A Fascinating Adaptation

Chameleon predators
A specific overview of reported predation on madagascan chameleons provides Jenkins & al. (2009). This paper reviews the diet of chameleon predators in Madagascar, highlighting the role of birds and snakes as primary predators. Negro & Negro (2025) provide a comprehensive list of predators, mentioning also Fossas (Cryptoprocta ferox), Lemurs (Primates: Lemuroidea), Tenrecs (Afrosoricida: Tenrecidae) and terrestrial rodents (Simplicidentata: Rodentia).
Mimicry is an evolutionary phenomenon where one organism (the mimic) resembles another (the model) to gain a survival advantage, often by deceiving predators. Batesian mimicry, named after Henry Walter Bates, occurs when a harmless species mimics the warning signals of a harmful species to deter predators. This mimicry relies on the predator's learned avoidance of the harmful model. (Ruxton & al., 2004)
A notoriously known example is as some non-venomous snakes mimic the conspicuous coloration of venomous ones (e.g. Kingsnakes of the genus Lampropeltis mimic the toxic elapids of the genus Micrurus) (Harper & Pfennig, 2007).
Mimicry of Scorpions in Various Animal Species
Several species exhibit behaviors resembling scorpions' threat displays, particularly curling their tails upwards, as a defensive strategy.Stick insects, such as Extatosoma tiaratum, adopt a scorpion-like posture when threatened. They curl their abdomens upwards, resembling a scorpion's defensive stance, to deter predators (Yang et al., 2021).
Darkling beetles, including species from the genus Eleodes, exhibit a similar behavior by raising their abdomens in a manner akin to a scorpion's tail. This posture is often accompanied by the secretion of defensive chemicals, enhancing the mimicry effect (Cloudsley-Thompson, 1993).
Horned lizards of the genus Phrynosoma curl their tails upwards, imitating scorpions' threat displays. Their spiny appearance further reinforces the illusion, making them less appealing to predators (Pianka & Hodges, 1993).
The scorpion-tailed gecko, Pristurus carteri, native to the Arabian Peninsula, curls its tail over its body and waves it back and forth, closely resembling a scorpion's threat display. This behavior is particularly effective in deterring predators in its desert habitat. Same behavior can be seen in some gecko species of the genus Stenodactylus. (Arnold, 1984; P. Nečas, own observations)
The toad-headed agama, Phrynocephalus mystaceus, found in Central Asia, uses tail movements that mimic a scorpion's defensive posture during territorial disputes or when threatened. This behavior also occurs during interactions between individuals of the same species (Golubev & Sattorov, 1992). The tail curling upwards is actually typical for all representatives of this genus, used in intra-specific behaviour (territorial display and combat of males; imposing the female during courtship; sex recognition in displaying differently colored tail underside) inter-specific communication (species recognition in displaying differently coloured tail underside) as well as in anti-predatory response (E. Raimbekova, in pers.; P. Nečas, own observations).
These examples demonstrate the diverse ways in which mimicry of scorpions has evolved across different taxa, reflecting the intricate interplay between predator-prey dynamics and the evolutionary pressures shaping survival strategies.
Chameleons Mimicking Scorpions
In the intricate dance of survival, nature often surprises us with its ingenious adaptations. Among these, the behavior of certain chameleons curling their tails upwards to mimic scorpions stands out as a remarkable example of Batesian mimicry. The curling tail up was observed so far in two chameleon species: Furcifer minor (courtesy J. van Overbeke citing ad secundum F. LeBerre) and Calumma parsonii (K. Manchen, Nečas (2025b) mentions these two cases and depicts them wth photographic evidence. He also mentions: "some chameleons, are limitedly capable to curl their tail up, specifically: if they whip with it vigorously during an aposematic behavior (like the depicted male and female of Furcifer minor) or if they walk on the ground (like the depicted male of Calumma parsonii)." Negro & Negro (2025) depict further two species with similarly raised tails: Furcifer timoni and Calumma brevicorne. AgriWithNature (2025) shows a chameleon walking on the ground with similarly elevated tail same as many videos on youtube and photos in the internet. Nečas (1999) mentions the position of the tail may play a role win balancing during the movement on flat surface.

Same defensive posture was observed by he author in the wild male of Furcifer willsii from East Central Madagascar (P. Nečas, own observations).
This behaviour strikingly resembles the posture of scorpions during defensive display. It is therefore plausible to set at least as a hypothesis, that it serves as a defensive mechanism to deter predators by imitating the threatening posture of scorpions
When threatened, these chameleons curl their tails upwards, with the tip often rolled together, creating a striking resemblance to the tail of a scorpion in a defensive or attack-ready position. This mimicry is potentially particularly effective in regions where scorpions are common and feared by potential predators. The illusion is enhanced by the chameleon's ability to remain motionless, further convincing predators of its "scorpion" identity.

Moreover, when walking on the ground, where terrestrial scorpions also (though mainly nocturnal) acquire the defensive posture with tail curled up, the chameleons strikingly resemble the scorpion tail posture.
Madagascar, a biodiversity hotspot, is home to a variety of arboreal scorpion species. These scorpions, such as those from the genus Opisthacanthus, are adapted to life in trees and are known for their unique tail with a sting, capable of delivering a painful and toxic strike used both for antipredaory as well as killing prey purposes (Lourenço & Goodman, 2006). The presence of arboreal scorpions in Madagascar adds credibility to the chameleon's mimicry, as predators in these regions are likely to have encountered real scorpions and learned to avoid them.

As mentioned above, the posture is acquired by chameleons not only while anti-predatory display but also when walking on the ground or on horizontal surfaces, where they remain more exposed and vulnerable than in their typical biotopes in bushes and trees.
The hypothesis whether this tail -posture can be used as scorpion mimicry should be a subject of further studies, but it seems not unlikely, as many of the above mentioned chameleon predators can come across scorions and may be deterred by their striking-ready position, though, the chameleon mimicry of it might be effective.
AgriWithNature (20. 03. 2025) Chameleon walk magical photos.
Arnold, E. N. (1984). Ecology of lowland lizards in the eastern United Arab Emirates. Journal of Zoology, 204(3), 329–354.
Cloudsley-Thompson, J. L. (1993). Successful Desert Animals — Scorpions, Beetles and Lizards. Libyan Studies, 24, 143–156.
Golubev, M. L., & Sattorov, T. (1992). Behavioral adaptations of Central Asian reptiles. Zoological Journal, 71(3), 45–50.
Harper, G. R., & D.W. Pfennig (2007) Mimicry on the edge: why do mimics vary in resemblance to their model in different parts of their geographical range? Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 274(1617), 1955–1961. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2007.0558.
Jenkins, R. K. B., Rabearivony, J., & Rakotomanana, H. (2009). Predation on chameleons in Madagascar: A review. African Journal of Herpetology, 58(2), 131–136. DOI: 10.1080/21564574.2009.9635573.
Lourenço, W.R., & S.M. Goodman (2006) Scorpions of Madagascar. Madagascar Conservation & Development, 1(2), 7–14.
Nečas, P. (1999) Chameleons – Nature´s Hidden Jewels. Frankfurt/M. (Edition Chimaira), 348pp.
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Nečas, P. (20. 03. 2025b) Do the chameleons curl the tail up or down?</p>
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Yang, H., Shi, C., Engel, M. S., Zhao, Z., & Gao, T. (2021). Early specializations for mimicry and defense in a Jurassic stick insect. National Science Review, 8(1), 56–60.