Trioceros pfefferi

More than three decades ago, when I first saw the type specimen of this spectacular species deposited in the museum in Berlin, my fingers vibrated from nervosity. This was the one and only known specimen at that time. It looked so strange. There were some speculations it might be a hybrid or an aberrant specimen, but I believed my intuition, that told me it is a valid species. I asked my friend Vladimír Trailin to draw a fantastic picture of the type male specimen. And then, in the beginning of the 90s, Chris Wild published couple of photographs of both males and females and then some specimens were brought alive to Europe and I could enjoy seeing them thriving in captivity in a big vivarium of the museum Alexander Koenig in Bonn. Until now, this species is considered quite rare and only few prominent breeders keep it and fortunately also breed it in captivity. This is one of the greatest achievements in chameleonoculture of all times.

courtesy Emmanuel van Heygen
courtesy Emmanuel van Heygen
courtesy Christopher V. Anderson
courtesy Christopher V. Anderson

courtesy of Jurgen van Overbeke