Get inspired by our Partners, Alies, Organizations, Journals, Publishers etc...
The truth of John Muir's words shine out in the chameleon keeping world. We pick out a chameleon as our focus point and we are so fascinated by our subject that we want to know more. Thus starts a lifelong journey exploring the natural history of the world!
It is through this catalyst that we explore each of those thousand cords emanating from our chameleon and find ourselves diligently studying all of nature and geography. This is where we learn of the unseen world of parasites, the complex interactions of nutrition, the endless variations of plants and their care, and the vast environment that our chameleons live in and are dependent upon. We go from not being able to locate Madagascar on the map to supporting reforestation efforts and local indigenous schools. This website is all about chameleon education, but the underlying benefit is that it uses the simple fascination for this impossible mini-tree dragon to open the keepers' eyes and mind to how all of nature is connected. It is this passion that starts with a lizard pet that grows into a drive to help safeguard the world we live in.
Chameleon Academy Journal
The Chameleon Academy Journal contains news articles, product reviews, show schedules, and reader image galleries. There will also be the schedule for the month so you know what is going on in the Chameleon Academy outreach. If you would like the information to come to your inbox then you can click here to view and join the Chameleon Academy Journal.

We are Thorsten, Alex and Dimby.
We are the team of!
Thorsten is a master photographer and head of Tanalahorizon, the travel agency for Madagascar trips, specialising in herping. Thorsten, nicknamed Tanala (Malagasy for chameleon), founded together with a friend 12 years ago.
Alex is a veterinarian with a soft spot for reptiles, especially chameleons, and wrote her doctoral thesis on panther chameleons. Therefore she is like Thorsten for several years regularly in Madagascar to take photographs and collect data. So she came to and made sure that the website was revised and extended bit by bit. Via Tanalahorizon, Dimby finally discovered his love for chameleons. He is a tour coordinator and national guide. There are probably only a few people in Madagascar who have as much experience and sensitivity in dealing with the colourful lizards as he does. He is also always on the lookout for new sites for rare species.
Photo from left to right: Nestor, José, Mosesy, Thorsten, Dimby and Alex
This is the story of my 40yrs of true love
I dedicate my life to chameleons
I study, listen and tell their stories
For mankind, for chameleonkind and for the Mother Earth to become a better place to live...
Life with chameleons
We are here to connect science with captive husbandry in order to ensure the best possible captive environment and health for the breeding and keeping of chameleons in captivity and for the protection of them and their biotopes in the wild,
through reforestation, protecting habitats of chameleons and organizing stable captive breeding projects to unburden the impact on wild populations.
Our Mission is to give chameleon keepers a platform where they can actively support these goals and are grouped by their level of knowledge.
In order to get the optimal sets of know-how, understanding and skills to keep the chameleons in captivity the best possible way.
For that, each member has the option to do a confidential, voluntary test, which includes all levels of knowledge for:
This group is free of discrimination of any kind, we treat each other with respect and kindness.
A Beginner's Guide to Chameleon keeping.
You bought, rescued or received a Chameleon as a gift? You are fascinated by Chameleons and want to buy or rescue one. Here is your reliable beginners guide.
Please see our easy to read care sheets in the Albums, Files, and Announcements sections.
A team of experts will answer questions and help with trouble-shooting.
Please consider joining our sister group
Life with Chameleons, in case Facebook would delete this group on a whim. It can happen, and we want all of you to know where to go, should this occur. In case Life with Chameleons is effected, we all congregate here in CC101. You can also remember an Admin's name and message him or her, in case of an emergency.

Jsme zde, abychom propojili vedu s chovem v zajeti, abychom zajistili nejlepší možné a zdraví pro chameleony chované v zajetí a pro ochranu chameleonů a jejich biotopů v přírodě prostřednictvím zalesňování, ochrany biotop a realizaci projektu chovu v zajetí za účelem odlehčení dopadu odchytu na volně žijící populace.
Naším posláním je poskytnout chovatelům chameleoni platformu, kde mohou tyto cíle aktivně podporovat.
Tato skupina je bez jakékoli diskriminace, jednáme vidy se vzájemnou úctou a respektem.
Coffee Table Book dedicated to Jackson's chameleons in Hawaii which Mary Lovein wrote and illustrated based on her observations of the feral Jackson's Chameleons on the Big Island, Hawaii, living in her garden, is sold out.
The chameleons, however, come to her garden every day to feed there, fight for survival, mate and reproduce.
This fascinating story continues and Mary adds with patience and love new pictures and new stories to share and inspire...
This is a group tailored to old world chameleons of the family Chameleonidae.
Please feel free to invite friends, post pics, share information & have discussions about all old world chameleons of the genera Archaius, Bradypodion, Brookesia, Calumma, Chameleo, Furcifer, Kinyongia, Nadzikambia, Palleon, Rhampholeon, Rieppeleon, or Trioceros.
When posting photos and information, please try to include and use the scientific names, as these are more accurate and informative for our international membership.
This group allows the posting of both rehoming and ISO posts (chameleons only). Chameleons needing to be rehomed should have any associated rehoming fee in the comments and must be from a country that exportation of reptiles is legal if international.
A US based international forum with this Mission Statement:
Chameleon Forums is dedicated to old-world chameleons, an unusual group of lizards classified under the family Chamaeleonidae. The goal of this website is to provide a friendly environment for people to learn and share knowledge about these wondrously unique animals.
You can find me in Chameleon Forums under the avatar name PetNcs...
This database provides a catalogue of all living reptile species and their classification. The database covers all living snakes, lizards, turtles, amphisbaenians, tuataras, and crocodiles. Currently there are more than 10,000 species including another 2,800 subspecies (statistics). The database focuses on taxonomic data, i.e. names and synonyms, distribution and type data and literature references. There is not much other information in the database, such as ecological or behavioural information, although we are working to add such data. The database has no commercial interest and therefore depends on contributions from volunteers. Most of our data comes from published sources which is curated with help from our editors. The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) advises us with contentious taxonomic decisions.
Mission Statement
The purpose of this publication is to encourage and foster the interest, growth, knowledge, and awareness of the captive husbandry of old world chameleons for both advanced and new owners. The commitment is to present information on all aspects of their care and needs as well as the issues surrounding them. The objective is to provide comprehensive information from all perspectives. The ultimate goal is for the readers to have a well-informed understanding of these amazing creatures and the related issues.
The Chameleons! Online E-Zine was active under the leadership of the publisher, Christopher V. Anderson from 2002 till 2014.
Despite inactive, it is fortunately still online
Mission Statement
The United States Association of Reptile Keepers (USARK) is a science, education and conservation-based advocacy for the responsible private ownership of, and trade in reptiles and amphibians. We endorse caging standards, sound husbandry, escape prevention protocols, and an integrated approach to vital conservation issues. Our goal is to facilitate cooperation between government agencies, the scientific community, and the private sector in order to produce policy proposals that will effectively address important husbandry and conservation issues. The health of these animals, public safety and maintaining ecological integrity are our primary concerns.
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie (ÖGH)
Die Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie (ÖGH) ist ein gemeinnütziger, nicht gewinnorientierter Verein zur Förderung aller Teilbereiche der Herpetologie. Er unterstützt wissenschaftliche Forschungsarbeiten auf diesem Gebiet und setzt sich aktiv für den Schutz der Amphibien und Reptilien sowie ihrer Lebensräume ein.
Durch Öffentlichkeitsarbeit soll das Verständnis für diese Tiergruppen verstärkt werden. Zur Verwirklichung dieser Ziele gibt die ÖGH die Zeitschriften HERPETOZOA und ÖGH-Aktuell sowie einen ÖGH Newsletter heraus. Mitarbeiter erhalten kein Honorar.
Die ÖGH ist eine behördlich anerkannte "Umweltorganisation". Das gewährt u.a. Parteistellung bei Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfungen. Wir sind dazu berechtigt, in Verfahren die Einhaltung von Umweltschutzvorschriften geltend zu machen und Beschwerde an den Verwaltungsgerichtshof zu erheben. In Niederösterreich steht uns auch das Recht zur "Umweltbeschwerde" zu, das heißt, wir können die Behörde dazu veranlassen, tätig zu werden.

The world's leading outlet for scientific news, commentary, and cutting-edge research.

Created in 1948, IUCN has evolved into the world's largest and most diverse environmental network. Our Members include expert and influential government, non-government and Indigenous Peoples' Organisations from over 160 countries, and our Commissions draw upon more than 16,000 experts worldwide.

Every day, our teams work in some of the world's most remote locations to facilitate restoration and community development through nature-based solutions to climate change.
Today, we operate in eight project countries and are able to manage over 241,150 hectares of land by working with the local communities. Through collaboration and science-based restoration practices, we work to generate substantive benefits designed explicitly by and for each community that support their well-being, raise living conditions, and restore their environment.
How we do it
A bottom-up approach
We start our reforestation projects by connecting with local communities and building relationships with local leaders who want their environment to thrive. These communities guide us to planting opportunities, build their citizens' commitment to restoring and protecting the forest, and creatively overcome restoration obstacles.
Our methodology
We provide economic incentives and simple planting techniques to support local communities in restoring their local environment and economy. We keep our systems simple, so they can be easily replicated and implemented by people who don't have many resources and must deal with treacherous roads, unreliable electricity, and spotty internet. Putting the local community at the center of our work inspires great commitment to reforestation in their country and a sense of ownership to protect their forests long-term. Our success and the communities' success are inextricably entwined.
Our teams
Many of our leaders grew up in a culture other than their country of nationality. As a result, they relate well to the communities and work effectively in remote, poverty-stricken settings. They have built teams that are committed to success, adaptable, and intrepid. Despite political unrest, civil wars, major storms, earthquakes, warlords, bandits, poachers, and wildlife, they continue to plant.
Our credibility and results enable us to attract a wide array of donors and top-quality board members. As our budget increases, we have the resources to invest in developing our carbon project subsidiary, Compassionate Carbon, and implementing technology systems to expand monitoring, evaluation, and reporting to donors.
German Journal of Herpetology
Indexed by Current Contents, Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Previews, Google Scholar, Journal Citation Reports, Science Citation Index Expanded, SCOPUS, Zoological Records.
Journal Citation Reports Impact Factor 2022 (published July 2023): 1.3
ISSN 0036-3375
A quarterly open access journal, issues appearing in February, May, August and October.
Česká herpetologická společnost (ČHS) je dobrovolnou nevýdělečnou organizací sdružující profesionální i amatérské pracovníky v oborech herpetologie a batrachologie, jakož i v oborech s těmito hraničícími či se prolínajícími. Představuje platformu pro podporu a koordinaci herpetologického a batrachologického výzkumu, vzdělávání a rozvoje. V uvedených oborech zajišťuje vědecký, informační, konzultační a vzdělávající servis pro jednotlivce i instituce.

The British Herpetological Society is one of the oldest and most prestigious Societies of its kind in the world. Founded in 1947 by Britain's leading herpetologists, the BHS still enjoys national learned status.
The Society's Herpetological Journal is ranked as one of the leading scientific publications devoted to herpetology. The Society actively supports Conservation, Research, Education and responsible Captive breeding.

The World Congress of Herpetology (WCH) is an Interna- tional Scientific Nonprofit Organization that is also a Sci- entific Member of the International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS). The mission of the World Congress of Herpetology is to promote herpetological research, edu- cation, and conservation, by facilitating communication between individuals, societies, and other organisations engaged in the study of amphibians and reptiles.
The aim of the WCH newsletter is to provide a means of communication during the period between WCH con- gresses that are typically held every three to five years. We want it to be a means of communication between the WCH Executive Committee (EC), the International Herpetological Committee (IHC), and the global herpe- tological community, and a place to feature ongoing ac- tions being taken to study amphibians and reptiles by individuals and herpetological societies globally. It will be published bi-annually in June and December.

ARC's Legal and Organizational Information
ARC is a nonprofit organization (501c3) registered in the State of Oregon, USA.
The Dynamics That Make ARC Unique
ARC is committed to developing simple, effective, and scalable solutions for the world's cascading sociological and environmental issues.
ARC's mission is to provide economic opportunity for communities to be responsible stewards of the planet entrusted to all of our care.
Employment for local communities as forest stewards is the proven method for the restoration of local and regional forests.
Economies of scale will ensure a more affordable price per tree and cost per hectare. ARC has no interest in barely making a difference.
ARC's leadership team has over 50 years of combined field experience in forest restoration systems resulting in over 1 billion trees planted across the planet.
ARC's leaders have a massive global relational web ranging from government officials to remote local community members. Effective forest restoration projects start with who you know, not just what you know.

About Wild Herps
This site is my combination life list, photo gallery, and notebook of reptile and amphibians (aka "herps"). I saw all pictured animals in the wild and I took all the photos, except where otherwise noted. All of the photos on this site are copyrighted by the photographers, and reproduction without permission is not allowed. I license my photos for commercial uses through Ribbit Photography, my stock photography company.

Archaius, The Journal of Chameleonology and Chameleonoculture
The chameleons are very unique creatures that attract human attention for millennia. They are a focus of many scientific studies as well as subject of captive husbandry.
Both fields deliver unique observations that need to be published and made available for the scientific as well as amateur public.
The aim of this journal is to serve a platform for authors to share their original findings to raise the importance of Chameleonology as a science and Chameleoculture as a field of Herpetoculture.
AJOCC considers large as well as short papers on all aspects of chameleon existence and especially encourages publication of short communications on original observations. It is open to authors from wide spectrum, from scientists to amateur enthusiasts. As a unique aid, it offers a publication help service in case of inexperienced authors with unique evidence worth publishing.
Research in the Anderson Lab is broadly focused on understanding physiological and biomechanical systems in an ecological and evolutionary context. We examine the morphological, biomechanical and physiological mechanisms underlying animal movement in general, and how these mechanisms change through evolution and vary across environments. We apply an integrative approach, often combining laboratory and field studies, to elucidate interactions between an organism's physiology and their performance, reveal how organisms perform in their natural surroundings, and improve our understanding of the evolution of form and function. Further, while our research generally utilizes non-model organisms, the mechanistic levels we work at are broadly applicable to a wide range of taxa, including humans, and provide insight into broader functional and physiological principles.

The Chameleon Specialist Group (CSG) is one of more than 160 Specialist Groups within the Species Survival Commission (SSC) of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). As a volunteer member network of dedicated experts, the CSG promotes, and supports, the conservation and sustainable use of wild chameleons and their habitat. The CSG aims to provide an evidence-based approach and scientific knowledge directed at the implementation of conservation actions and public policies that lead to the reduction of the extinction risk for members of this enigmatic lizard family. The CSG works to enhance conservation of chameleons by providing scientific advice to conservation organizations, government agencies, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, and other IUCN Members, and support the implementation of multilateral environmental agreements. Additionally, CSG members work to provide critical information on the status of chameleon species for the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species to shed light on the conservation status of the family and species within it, enhance research, inform national and international laws, and draw attention to the global conservation needs of the family.
To acheive these aims, the CSG regularly engages in the following activities:
- Support, coordinate or lead on the evaluation of chameleon species for the IUCN Red List.
- Support CITES bodies (Secretariat, Animals Committee, national Management Authorities and Scientific Authorities) in trade issues related to chameleons.
- Identify priority sites, including Alliance for Zero Extinction (AZE), for the conservation of chameleons.
- Promote scientific research on the ecology and habitat use of chameleons.
- Design, implement or support effective conservation measures that secure habitats and wild populations for the most threatened chameleons through collaboration with governments, research institutions, conservation organizations and local communities.
- Make available published and unpublished information about chameleons.
PANTHER CHAMELEON Ultimate Certified
An Ultimate Guide to Panther Chameleon keeping.
We are the ultimate place to go for newbies in chameleon care because:
We are Basing our advice:
- on a solid up-to-date scientific base,
- first hand wild experience from the
countries of their origin
-First hand experience from their feral populations
- decades of experience on keeping and breeding Panther Chameleons in thousands and more than 10 generations
All our materials and are prepared and certified by Scientists, PhD holders and long track-record practitioners.
We have our own original care sheets. Our Care sheets are available in 18languages now and they become the global standard, available to at least 60 thousands of people in more than 100 countries in the world.
We have our own style of work:
- read our cate sheet first
- ask questions in the group
- get personal assistance
We are ultimately friendly and help-oriented
We are not chitchating around but focus on assistance
The far best asset in our group are our Moderators, Admins and Senior Admins, all certified by our unique certification system and building together a fantastic team.
We live and work based on shared values.
We are a part of the biggest global chameleon network LWC:
Life With Chameleons
For the good of mankind, chameleonkind and the Planet Earth.
Certified Care
An Ultimate Guide to Three-Horned
Jackson's Chameleon keeping.
We are the ultimate place to go for newbies in chameleon care because:
We are Basing our advice:
- on a solid up-to-date scientific base,
- first hand wild experience from the
- countries of their origin
- First hand experience from their feral populations
- decades of experience on keeping and breeding The Jackson's Chameleons in hundreds and more than 5 generations.
All our materials and are prepared and certified by Scientists, PhD holders and long track-record practitioners.
We have our own original care sheets. Our Care sheets are available in 18languages now and they become the global standard, available to at least 60 thousands of people in more than 100 countries in the world.
We have our own style of work:
- read our cate sheet first
- ask questions in the group
- get personal assistance
We are ultimately friendly and help-oriented
We are not chitchating around but focus on assistance
The far best asset in our group are our Moderators, Admins and Senior Admins, all certified by our unique certification system and building together a fantastic team.
We live and work based on shared values.
We are a part of the biggest global chameleon network LWC:
Life With Chameleons
For the good of mankind, chameleonkind and the Planet Earth.
Wer ist die DGHT
Die DGHT (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde e. V.) ist ein gemeinnütziger Verein, der sich für den Natur- und Artenschutz, die Erforschung von Amphibien und Reptilien (wissenschaftliche Herpetologie) sowie deren artgerechte und sachkundige Haltung und Nachzucht (Terraristik) einsetzt.
Mit über 5.000 Mitgliedern aus mehr als 30 Ländern ist die DGHT die weltweit größte Vereinigung ihrer Art. Ihre Besonderheit und Stärke liegen in der Zusammenführung professioneller Fachdisziplinen (z. B. Herpetologie, Zootierhaltung, internationaler Artenschutz, Veterinärmedizin) und der Fachkompetenz aus engagierten Amateurkreisen (Terraristik).
Natur- und Artenschutz
Die DGHT setzt sich für Umweltbildung und den nationalen wie internationaler Natur- und Artenschutz ein. Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Feldherpetologie und Artenschutz ruft alljährlich einen Lurch bzw. ein Reptil des Jahres aus, hat den Verbreitungsatlas der Amphibien und Reptilien Deutschlands erstellt und ist maßgeblich an der Erstellung der Roten Listen beteiligt. Über den Hans-Schiemenz-Fonds und den DGHT/ZGAP-Artenschutzfonds fördert die DGHT regelmäßig wissenschaftlich begleitete Projekte, die sich dem Populationsschutz, dem Artenschutz und dem Schutz der Biotope von Amphibien und Reptilien im In- und Ausland widmen.
Die DGHT unterstützt die wissenschaftliche Erforschung von Amphibien und Reptilien sowohl in Menschenobhut als auch im Freiland (Feldherpetologie). Über den Wilhelm-Peters-Fonds fördert die DGHT nationale und internationale Forschungsprojekte. Über den Ingo-und-Waltraud-Pauler-Fonds der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Amphibien- und Reptilienkrankheiten (AG ARK) fördert die DGHT die medizinische Erforschung von Amphibien- und Reptilienerkrankungen. Die von der DGHT als Online-Magazin herausgegebene Fachzeitschrift "Salamandra– German Journal of Herpetology" publiziert originale Forschungsergebnisse in englischer Sprache. Die Salamandra ist eine der führenden herpetologischen Fachzeitschriften der Welt und hat seit vielen Jahren einen sehr hohen Impact Faktor.
Mitglieder der DGHT befassen sich an Universitäten, Naturkundemuseen, in Zoos und Fachbehörden haupt- oder ehrenamtlich mit Fragen zur Systematik, Biologie, Ökologie, Nachzucht oder zum Schutz von Amphibien und Reptilien. Auch engagierte Privatpersonen tragen durch ihre Beobachtungen und fachliche Expertise zur Kenntnismehrung und Wissensvermittlung bei.
Sachkundige Terraristik
Die DGHT setzt sich für eine artgerechte Haltung und Nachzucht von Amphibien und Reptilien ein. Die Terraristik wird als sinnvolle Beschäftigung und wichtiger Teil der Umweltpädagogik gesehen, um Menschen an die Natur heranzuführen. Über den privat finanzierten Michaela-und-Marco-Schulz-Fonds fördert die DGHT den terraristischen Nachwuchs und gezielt die Schulterraristik.
Lebende Tiere in Menschenobhut müssen vor Schmerzen und Leid geschützt werden, Qualzuchten sind abzulehnen. Zudem dürfen der Handel und der Erwerb die Populationen und den Artbestand in der Natur nicht gefährden. Gemeinsam mit Fachbehörden erarbeitet die DGHT Richtlinien für die Haltung von Amphibien und Reptilien und bietet als Nachweis der für eine angemessene Pflege von Amphibien und Reptilien erforderlichen Kenntnisse den Sachkundenachweis der DGHT/VDA Sachkunde GbR an.
DGHT-Mitglieder tragen privat wie in Zoos durch ihre sachkundige Pflege und koordinierte Erhaltungszucht (Citizen Conservation) zur Vermehrung auch gefährdeter Amphibien und Reptilien und damit zur Arterhaltung und Sicherung genetischer Reserven bei.
Besondere Anliegen der DGHT sind der Informationsaustausch innerhalb der Gesellschaft und der Transfer neuer Erkenntnisse in die Öffentlichkeit. In zahlreichen Arbeitsgemeinschaften, Regional- und Stadtgruppen der DGHT wird dieser Erfahrungs- und Informationsaustausch gepflegt. Die DGHT und ihre Untergruppierungen veranstalten regelmäßig und vielfach im Jahr Fachtagungen oder Vortragsabende zu verschiedensten Themen und geben ein umfangreiches Portfolio von Fachzeitschriften heraus (neben mehreren AG-Journalen auch die zentrale Mitgliederinformationsschrift elaphe).

The mission with this site
is to build an ultimate collection of chameleon infomation and pictures, based on science, people's experiences and natural observations.
Established in 1964, the International Union for Conservation of Nature's Red List of Threatened Species has evolved to become the world's most comprehensive information source on the global extinction risk status of animal, fungus and plant species.
The IUCN Red List is a critical indicator of the health of the world's biodiversity. Far more than a list of species and their status, it is a powerful tool to inform and catalyse action for biodiversity conservation and policy change, critical to protecting the natural resources we need to survive. It provides information about range, population size, habitat and ecology, use and/or trade, threats, and conservation actions that will help inform necessary conservation decisions.
The IUCN Red List is used by government agencies, wildlife departments, conservation-related non-governmental organisations (NGOs), natural resource planners, educational organisations, students, and the business community. The Red List process has become a massive enterprise involving the IUCN Biodiversity Assessment and Knowledge Team staff, partner organisations and experts in the IUCN Species Survival Commission and partner networks who compile the species information to make The IUCN Red List the indispensable product it is today.
To date, many species groups including mammals, amphibians, birds, reef building corals and conifers have been comprehensively assessed. As well as assessing newly recognized species, the IUCN Red List also re-assesses the status of some existing species, sometimes with positive stories to tell. For example, good news such as the downlisting (i.e. improvement) of a number of species on the IUCN Red List categories scale, due to conservation efforts. The bad news, however, is that biodiversity is declining. Currently, there are more than 157,100 species on The IUCN Red List, with more than 44,000 species threatened with extinction, including 41% of amphibians, 37% of sharks and rays, 36% of reef building corals, 34% of conifers, 26% of mammals and 12% of birds.
Despite the high proportions of threatened species, we are working to reverse, or at least halt, the decline in biodiversity. Increased assessments will help to build The IUCN Red List into a more complete 'Barometer of Life'. To do this, we need to increase the number of species assessed to at least 160,000. This will improve the global taxonomic coverage and thus provide a stronger base to enable better conservation and policy decisions. The IUCN Red List is crucial not only for helping to identify those species in need of targeted recovery efforts, but also for focusing the conservation agenda by identifying the key sites and habitats that need to be protected. Ultimately, The IUCN Red List helps to guide and inform future conservation and funding priorities.
This group is for those persons, from scientist to the private reptile lover who collect books about Reptiles and Amphibians.
If you are looking for that specific book which is still not in your collection or you have too many books and you want to pass on a few to other like minded people.
Research, News, and Commentary from Nature, the international journal of science.
Sign up for our daily newsletter: http:/
The Chameleon Care & Information Center (CCIC) was originally created in 1998 to provide an online resource on a wide range of chameleon topics. In an effort to provide chameleon enthusiasts with the highest quality information and to support increased quality and sustainability within the captive chameleon trade and for wild populations, the CCIC works in collaboration with the Chameleons! Online E-Zine, which has similar goals.
The CCIC provides a thorough information source on captive care and natural history for the family Chamaeleonidae. This includes species profiles, CITES information, acclimation information and a plethora of other information.
The Chameleons! Online E-Zine is an online publication (electronic magazine) with the most current updated information provided by "tops of their field" authors. Here you can find information on all areas of chameleons including breeding, husbandry, nutrition, feeders, natural history and much more.
is the international peer-reviewed open access journal of the Austrian Herpetological Society (ÖGH, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie).
Herpetozoa publishes original research articles, short contributions and reviews covering all aspects of the study of amphibians and reptiles. All contributions should be written in English, a German abstract may also be included. A printed version of the journal will be produced in annual volumes.

The Societas Europaea Herpetologica (SEH) was founded in 1979 and is a herpetological society with nearly 350 members from most of the European countries and elsewhere.
It publishes the quarterly journal, Amphibia-Reptilia (indexed in Scopus and Web of Science), which includes scientific articles in English and the SEH News. It also publishes an online-only and open access journal, Herpetology Notes, which publishes shorter papers on a broad spectrum of topics, including especially the natural history and distribution of amphibians and reptiles.
International congresses are organized at different venues in Europe usually every other year. Members can participate at a reduced fee. SEH is an international non-governmental member of IUCN - the World Conservation Union. The organisation is controlled by its statutes and by-lawsand the Executive Council, whose members are elected at the Ordinary General (Business) Meetings.
SEH has three Committees that develop specific activities related to the society. The Conservation Committee is concerned with conservation of the herpetofauna in all parts of Europe and adjacent regions, and its members make up the European Reptile and Amphibian Specialist Group of the IUCN Species Survival Commission. Results of the Conservation Committee's work are published in Amphibia-Reptilia and elsewhere. The Mapping Committee is devoted to plotting species distributions. It published the first Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles in Europe in 1997, and the New Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles in Europe (NA2RE) in 2014. The Taxonomic Committee is devoted to regularly providing an updated species list for European amphibians and reptiles.
SEH uses its webpage to develop a Pan-European Herpetological Network that will announce meetings and bring information to the attention of herpetologists and national herpetological societies throughout Europe and elsewhere.
The Herpetological Bulletin is a quarterly publication in English. It the British Herpetological Society's full-length papers, natural history notes, book reviews, and other items of general herpetological interest. Emphasis is placed on natural history and conservation as well as captive care that includes breeding, husbandry, veterinary, and behavioural aspects.
Welcome to the website of the Kenya Reptile Atlas
A free source of regularly updated information on Kenya's Reptiles.
Authors: Beryl Bwong, Patrick Malonza, Vincent Muchai, Stephen Spawls, Victor Wasonga
A project funded by the Rufford Foundation under the auspices of the National Museums of Kenya; Department of Herpetology.
The Kenya Reptile Atlas offers you:
Pictures of Kenya's reptiles
Distribution maps by quarter-degree-square
A description of the species
Click on any of the titles listed under the downloads tab to download for free. The various families will be added as the accounts are completed.
If you have any observations of Kenya's reptiles, any distribution records, or any other data, or any digital pictures, we would like to receive them! Send them to
And if you live or travel in Kenya, and find any dead reptiles, please preserve them and take them to the Department of Herpetology, at the National Museum, Museum Hill, Nairobi.
Downloads on chameleons:

A meeting of the world's top herpetologists every 3-4 years
World Congress of Herpetology (WCH) is a scientific organisation to connect individuals interested in the discovery, study, and management of amphibians and reptiles.
The mission of the World Congress of Herpetology (WCH) is to promote herpetological research, education and conservation, by facilitating communication between individuals, societies and other organisations engaged in the study of amphibians and reptiles.

iPardalis Chameleon Breeders
Small-batch Panther Chameleon breeder located in Poolesville, Maryland with detailed lineage and chameleon breeding statisticsstretching back to 2015.

Supreme chameleon breeder from the USA, California, Craig Durbin, dedicated to breeding Malagasy chameleons, with extraordinary success in breeding several forms of Calumma parsonii.
Aufgaben der AG Chamäleons
/ Wissen erweitern
Vor nur wenigen Jahrzehnten hielt man Chamäleons in der Terraristik für praktisch nicht haltbar. Heute ist das längst widerlegt, viele Arten können regelmäßig nachgezogen werden. Die AG Chamäleons möchte das Wissen um die Haltung von Chamäleons erweitern und für Interessierte zugänglich machen.
/ Terraristik-Einsteigern helfen
Über die AG Chamäleons können Einsteiger in der Chamäleonhaltung auch ohne Vorwissen auf eine Vielzahl an Erfahrungen und Haltungsberichten zugreifen. Die Vernetzung mit erfahrenen Haltern hilft dabei, Fehler zu vermeiden und die Haltung von Anfang an erfolgreich werden zu lassen.
/ Fachkenntnisse verbreiten
Über unseren Newsletter, die Website und natürlich die AG-eigene Zeitschrift CHAMELEO verbreiten wir den neuesten Stand der Wissenschaft und Chamäleonhaltung. Dazu gehören Informationen aus der ganzen Welt und aus allen Sparten, die mit Chamäleons zu tun haben.
/ Artenschutz unterstützen
Viele Chamäleonarten weltweit sind in ihrem natürlichen Lebensraum bedroht. Ihr Habitat wird durch menschliche Besiedlung, Brandrodung, Hotelbau, Viehhaltung und Landwirtschaft immer kleiner. Die AG Chamäleons unterstützt regelmäßig Projekte weltweit, um den natürlichen Lebensraum von Chamäleons zu erhalten.
/ Chamäleon-Ansprechpartner
Fragen zu Biologie, Anatomie, Systematik, Haltung oder Zucht? Die AG Chamäleons versteht sich als Anlaufstelle für Fragen zu Chamäleons jeder Art. In unserem Netzwerk aus Experten für die unterschiedlichsten Belange und Fachrichtungen findet sich für jedes Anliegen der richtige Ansprechpartner.
/ Koordinierte Zucht fördern
Die AG Chamäleons fördert und unterstützt die Zuchtbemühungen privater Halter genauso wie Institutionen wie Tiergärten, Zoos oder Forschungseinrichtungen. Die Nachzuchtstatistik hält fest, wie viele Chamäleons in der Hand der AG Chamäleons im Jahr gezüchtet werden und wie viele davon überleben.
/ Erfahrungsaustausch
Die AG Chamäleons hat vor allem ein Hauptziel: Den Erfahrungsaustausch untereinander. Züchter, Halter, Zoologen, Tierärzte und Biologen teilen ihr Wissen und ihre Erfahrungen, um daraus neue Ideen für Chamäleonforschung und Chamäleonhaltung zu entwickeln.
/ Beschlagnahmungen
Wie bei Hund, Katze und Kaninchen werden auch im Bereich der Chamäleonhaltung manchmal Tiere vom Veterinäramt beschlagnahmt, wenn sie unter tierschutzwidrigen Umständen gehalten werden oder die Halter Auflagen nicht erfüllt haben. Die AG Chamäleons ist Ansprechpartner, solche Tiere geeignet unterzubringen.
/ Veranstaltungen
Die jährliche Tagung der AG Chamäleons ist DER Treffpunkt für alle Interessierte, Freunde und Förderer von Chamäleons. Alle Themen der Chamäleonwelt kommen hier zu Wort, von A wie Artenschutz bis Z wie Zungeschuss.
Unter diesem Gattungsnamen versteckt sich bei der AG Chamäleons eine kleine, aber feine Fachzeitschrift. Ursprünglich als Rundbrief Anfang der 1990er Jahre für die Mitglieder der AG ins Leben gerufen, hat sich die CHAMELEO inzwischen zu einer Zeitschrift für alles rund um Chamäleons gemausert. Aktuell wird jährlich eine Ausgabe herausgegeben.
Mitglieder der AG Chamäleons erhalten die CHAMAELEO kostenlos per Post. Online sind jeweils alle Artikel der letzten Ausgaben, sortiert nach ihren Themenbereichen, nachzulesen. Ausnahme ist jeweils die neueste Ausgabe – diese kann man erst im nächsten Jahr hier nachlesen. Wer also immer auf dem neuesten Stand sein möchte, wird Mitglied der AG Chamäleons.
Ältere Ausgaben unserer Fachzeitschrift CHAMAELEO stehen in unserem Archiv für dich zum kostenlosen Download zur Verfügung. Die jeweils neueste Ausgabe ist den Mitgliedern der AG Chamäleons vorbehalten.
BION Terrarium Center (BTC) is located in Kyiv, Ukraine. We have been dealing with import, export, and breeding of reptiles and other exotic animals since 1993. For today, BION is the mostly Breeding Center dealing with propagation of rare and valuable reptiles. From 1993 to the present, we have bred 121 species of amphibians and reptiles.
BION's Breeding Center is a serious source of of chameleons, geckos, agamas, skinks, and much more species. Most of them are captive-bred. We have a quarantine station, laboratory for breeding insects, Marketing & logistics departments. BION's department of Research and investigation – is our bridge between technology & science. It should be mentioned that due to careful and long-lasting data collecting, systematizing and analysis – BTC owns an unique database various aspects of incubation, breeding, triggering of mating, gravidity and raising of babies of all species that we work with.
We collaborate with zoos, breeding centers and scientists all over the world. We support. Promote and develop the Responsible Herpetoculture on every level and participate in educational , conservation and research projects.
For more info pls check proper sections of this webpage.
BTC is an active member of the AZU (Association of Zoos of Ukraine)
Such careful attitude to data collection has already resulted in several scientific publications, created by BION team members. More materials are in process right now.
Having Been Initiated Once As A Hobby, Herpetoculture (Known In Europe As Terrariumistics) Brought Together Hundreds Of Thousands Of People Passionate About The Idea Of Keeping And Breeding Amphibians And Reptiles In Their Homes, Yards And Farms. Step By Step This Movement Has Grown Into A Large Community Of Enthusiasts And Professionals, Scientists And Hobbyists Who Know And Understand The Needs Of Amphibian And Reptile Husbandry Better Than Anyone Else.
Chimaira, Ihre Fachbuchhandlung aus Frankfurt a.M.
In unserer Rubrik Herpetologie finden Sie alle Titel zum breit gefächerten Themenkomplex der Amphibien und Reptilien; stöbern Sie auch in unserem gut sortierten Antiquariat. Das Reich der Wirbellosen umfasst neben den Insekten auch die Krebse, Spinnen, Weichtiere (Mollusken, v.a. Landschnecken) und andere Niedere Tiere. Die Bücher und Medien zum Thema Kleinsäuger beziehen sich hauptsächlich auf Meerschweinchen, Mäuse, Hamster und andere Nager, aber auch auf solch exotische "Grenzfälle" wie Hängebauchschweine. Unter der Rubrik Aquaristik finden sie auch Bücher, Videos und andere Medien über Fische, Wirbellose, Pflanzen und andere Lebewesen des Süss- und Salzwassers. Hinter dem Stichwort Reise/Klima verbergen sich u.a. Literatur und Medien zu den Sachgebieten Botanik, Ökologie, Reisen und verwandten Bereichen.
This group is dedicated to naturalistic care for the Veiled - Yemen Chameleon based on research and 40years of experience.
We are the ultimate place to go for newbies in chameleon care because:
We are Basing our advice:
- on a solid up-to-date scientific base,
- first hand wild experience from the
- countries of their origin
- First hand experience from their feral populations
- decades of experience on keeping and breeding The Yemen Chameleons in tens of thousands and more than 30 generations.
All our materials and are prepared and certified by Scientists, PhD holders and long track-record practitioners.
We have our own original care sheets. Our Care sheets are available in 18languages now and they become the global standard, available to at least 60 thousands of people in more than 100 countries in the world.
We have our own style of work:
- read our cate sheet first
- ask questions in the group
- get personal assistance
We are ultimately friendly and help-oriented
We are not chitchating around but focus on assistance
The far best asset in our group are our Moderators, Admins and Senior Admins, all certified by our unique certification system and building together a fantastic team.
We live and work based on shared values.
We are a part of the biggest global chameleon network LWC:
Life With Chameleons
For the good of mankind, chameleonkind and the Planet Earth.

An international journal of zoology publishing peer reviewed papers on zoological topics
including Behaviour - Conservation - Ecology - Morphology - Taxonomy - Zoogeography
Published online at
by Afriherp Communications, Greenford, United Kingdom
Prof Aurelio Malo Valenzuela (Universidad de Alcala, Madrid, Spain) (Ecology)
Dr Andrew Whittington (FlyEvidence, Pentrefoelas, Betws-Y-Coed, UK) (Entomology)
Lynn Raw (Afriherp Communications, Greenford, UK) (Herpetology)
(Managing and Production)
ZooNova has operated as a free service to authors and readers since the beginning of 2021
( prospective editorial board members or peer reviewers should e-mail submit(at) to register their interest.)
Something so obscure as wanting to find these tiny lizards all across South Africa sounded like an impossible task. But I'm the kind of person that goes all into these types of challenges – Is it even achievable?
I've always had this fascination with chameleons since I was a child, growing up in Durban chameleons were never in short supply growing up. You could often find the KwaZulu Dwarf Chameleon in the garden while playing outside or when the gardener was at work trimming up the garden. The Flapneck Chameleons were more a common sight when holidaying up north to the game reserves of Hluhluwe in Zululand or visiting the Drakensberg where you'd often see these large chameleons gapping it across the roads.
It wasn't until much later in life, in my late twenties did the fascination kick into high-gear and I began to read papers, gather contextual information on all these chameleons and realised how many of them there are and how many of these animals were poorly documented in text as well as google images (something I intended to change)!
This Group 'National Geographic
Worldwide' belongs to you and may post your beautiful and memorable pictures of nature, animals and the life of people around the Globe. This is our ONE world!!
Thanks in advance..
Welcome and please invite friends to the Group to make it more vibrant !!

The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
is an international agreement between governments. Its aim is to ensure that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten the survival of the species.
The websiteserves as an international center for the sharing of information regarding old world chameleons. The contributors and editors represent the fields of herpetoculture, veterinary medicine, import-export, taxonomy, and animal behavior and come from the worlds of academia, clinical veterinary medicine, research and business.
They have joined together to develop this website because they share a deep interest in and love for the members of the Chamaeleoninae. In addition to basic information on the anatomy, behavior, zoogeography and captive reproduction of chameleons, we share in formation on the finer points of captive husbandry as well as on the population status and conservation of wild populations.
The website is a project that has evolved from the collective experience and expertise of the many members of the Listserv. As our knowledge of the Chamaeleoninae continues to grow we expect this website to evolve accordingly. The founders and editors hereby express their deepest appreciation to all of the contributors who have worked so diligently on this project. We look forward to the continuing participation of Listerv members in sharing their knowledge of the taxonomy, husbandry, behavior, ecology, and veterinary care of these remarkable animals.
In case any reptile and amphibian keepers are not yet aware. The Responsible Herpetoculture Journal is the premiere, professional, cutting edge herpetocultural publication available today!
For those who remember the Vivarium magazine, the RH Journal is comparable in some ways for its promotion of the accomplishments of the private sector, zoological, and conservation institutions, but it is also of greater scope, as the contributors include some of the top European reptile and amphibian keepers.
By becoming a member, you not only support the publication and the many projects in the works, but you also support the Responsible Herpetoculture Foundation team in the Ukraine which has accomplished this remarkable work under the direst situation.
JOIN NOW! As a member you will have access to the wealth of information on the site and to the past issues of the RH Journal (a goldmine).
All RH Journal issues are in full color and in a format that allows flipping pages.
The RH Journal is an official publication of RHF. The RH Journal also has a printed version that you can find on shop page
Your personal support of RHF with Philippe de Vosjoli as President and Dmitri Tkachev as Founder is very welcome!
Let's support Responsible Herpetoculture together!
By Philippe de Vosjoli, 02.01.2023
Amphibia-Reptilia is an international, peer-reviewed journal that publishes high-quality scientific papers, including short notes and reviews, on most aspects of herpetology: ecology, behaviour, evolution, conservation, physiology, morphology, paleontology, genetics, and systematics.
Herpetology Notes is an online-only and open access journal. Processing, editing, and type-setting of manuscripts is carried out by an international team of editors.
The Herpetological Journal is the British Herpetological Society's prestigious quarterly scientific journal. Articles are listed in Biological Abstracts, Current Awareness in Biological Sciences,Current Contents, Science Citation Index, and Zoological Record.
ISSN 0268-0130
2021 Impact Factor from Clarivate for the Herpetological Journal is 1.194, an increase of 0.332 from 2020.
Our association was born of a sincere desire to contribute to the protection of chameleons and their ecosystem. The president and founder, Sébastien METRAILLER, is a man with a lifelong passion for herpetological fauna and aquatic ecosystems. Author, trainer, lecturer, breeder and project management expert, he is a member of the IUCN Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group, vice-president of the PRT association (Protection et récupération des Tortues, Centre Emys) and founder of the ZooConseil consultancy.
As advocates of a holistic and pragmatic approach to animal conservation, we know that finding funds to implement concrete projects dedicated to reptile conservation is often an obstacle. But we are convinced that our association, the only one of its kind in Switzerland, will be able to create a significant and lasting momentum for the protection of chameleons and their ecosystem.
We need your help to continue our mission!
Chameleons are more threatened than other reptiles
Although not all chameleon species have yet been assessed by the IUCN, it is likely that the level of threats to chameleons is higher than for other lizards. This increased vulnerability is linked, on the one hand, to the fact that a number of species are endemic to small geographical areas and, on the other, to the fact that many species inhabit tropical forests, which are themselves under threat. Finally, the regions that concentrate the greatest diversity of chameleons are also those under the greatest anthropogenic pressure (Jenkins et al. 2014).
According to the current IUCN Red List assessment, 38% of chameleon species are threatened with extinction, compared with only 18% of reptiles in general.