Killing Chameleons for Nothing

Many people are unaware of the vital roles chameleons play in managing insect populations and supporting ecological balance. Consequently, their unintentional deaths—whether from vehicle collisions or garden maintenance—contribute to the decline of these fascinating reptiles. Raising awareness about the ecological importance of chameleons and encouraging harmonious coexistence can help minimize such incidents. By fostering a deeper appreciation for wildlife, we can ensure that these remarkable creatures continue to thrive in their natural environments, preserving biodiversity and enhancing the health of ecosystems.
One example of strange killing chameleons comes from India. Due to old legend, which makes the chameleon to be the reason for the win of a battle of one ethnic group over the other, due to him, revealing the direction in which the loser tribe were hidden, the chameleons are brutally killed upon an encounter. An old legend is the base for meaningless killing of innocent animals.
Children cruelty is sometimes shocking, especially, if not supervised by the adults. In some parts of India, kids kill chameleons, or let them run over a busy road to be killed by a motorbike or a car, and then have fun observing the dying or freshly dead chameleon still changing colors. They call this cruel game "a color TV".
In southern Ethiopia, in the northern foothills of the majestic Bale mountains, people believe that if a chameleon spots a man with both eyes, it will crush his testicles. Therefore, the people try to avoid any contact with chameleons and once it is unavoidable, the encounter ends up with the chameleon's death.

Human cruelty is sometimes insane and absolutely non-understandable. One person put an Indian Chameleon (Chamaeleo zeylanicus) in an aquarium with fire ants and observed what will happen. The ants of course attacked the poor stressed chameleon. The evil person recorded this experiment and even posted it to Youtube, where the sadistic video is available. Click on the picture but beware the content is graphic. This idiot does same experiments with other animals too und dares to name these activities Natural Reach.