Chameleon Natural History...

With the participation of the creative project "Elephant Dreams" The story of an indomitable Chameleon who decided to meet his friends. The entire production is centered around whimsical fabric designs and imagination. Before our eyes, ordinary materials transform into whimsical animals. The red turtle turns out to be not so slow, the green...

Chameleons are fascinating reptiles known for their unique feeding techniques. They primarily rely on their extraordinary long, sticky tongues to capture prey. These tongues can extend rapidly to catch insects and other small animals, making up a significant portion of their diet. The chameleon's eyes play a crucial role in hunting, as they can...

Much of the charm of the Osteographia lies with the vignettes of the animal skeletons, which are frequently depicted in lifelike poses. A cat with an arched back is startled by a dog; a young, antlered deer stops suddenly and turns to the viewer; a crane picks up a fish with its beak, yielding the conceit of a...

Max Brückner (1860–1934) was a German geometer, known for his collection of stellated and uniform polyhedra, which he documented in his 1900 book Vielecke und Vielflache: Theorie und Geschichte (Polygons and Polyhedra: Theory and History). Included in the influential study was a compound of three octahedra, made famous by M. C. Escher's 1948 print ...

The Chameleon declares that he is happy and proud to be, as always, of the same opinion as everyone, from "Scenes from the Private and Public Life of Animals"

Chameleons may have a bad rap in some cultures, but let's be honest—they're just out there living their best lives, changing colors and chilling. So next time you see a chameleon, maybe give it a nod of respect for all the legends it's managed to inspire. After all, it's not every day you meet an animal that's supposedly immortal and...

The long living Working Group Chameleons of the German Society for Herpetology and Herpetoculture seeks for new members.
It is great and stable.
Worth considering

It is known, females of chameleons change often colors and patterns when they get gravid. the colors are a clear signal to males, not to approach them… In Furcifer verrucosus, the females change colors in gravidity to maron, reddish brow with bluish-violet hues…

It is widely recognized that certain species of the genus Chamaeleo possess a remarkable secondary sexual characteristic: the male tarsal spur. This is exemplified by species such as Chamaeleo africanus, C. arabicus, C. calyptratus, C. dilepis, C. monachus, and others. The tarsal spur has been utilized as a key diagnostic feature for...

(Chamaeleo namaquensis) is a ground-dwelling chameleon species found in the arid regions of Namibia, South Africa, and southern Angola. It inhabits arid and semi-arid areas, such as Karoo shrubland, sandy deserts, and gravel plains. It is particularly common in the Namib Desert and can be found as far south as Sutherland in the Western Cape, South...

Not far from Prague Airport in Czechia, there is a unique zoo called Zoopark Zajezd, which specializes in the care and breeding of chameleons. Their achievements are noteworthy, particularly the successful offspring of the small leaf chameleon species from Madagascar, Brookesia superciliaris. Congratulations!

Among these remarkable features, the temporal gland stands out due to its mysterious nature. This gland, also referred to as the temporal pouch, is a holocrine type of exocrine gland found in several chameleon genera (including Bradypodion, Chamaeleo, Kinyongia, Rieppeleon, Furcifer, and Trioceros). It is a flat pocket located above the angle of...

Chameleons do not primarily change their coloration to blend with the environment, but use it mainly for communication and thermoregulation purposes. A very special case occurs when females, due to changes in hormonal levels, begin to show a very specific coloration after conception. The purpose of this discoloration is to deliver a clear message...

Chameleons are often viewed as examples of animals that change color to blend in with their environment. This understanding is incorrect.

Panther chameleons are beautiful creatures. Male panther chameleons are known for their vibrant colors, which come in various shades, including pink, red, orange, yellow, blue, and green. In contrast, females usually present more modest colors, often in shades of gray, brown, orange, black and white. However, some females can be quite colorful,...

Researchers from the African Amphibian Conservation Research Group, led by Fortunate M. Phaka, studied the use of chameleons in traditional medicine at urban markets in South Africa, visiting six cities. They identified 33 species of reptiles and one amphibian species used for medical purposes. Interviews with 11 traditional healers revealed that...

Furcifer verrucosus is a notably shy and nervous chameleon species that tends to react defensively to perceived threats, including humans. Its typical response includes hissing, opening its mouth wide, and displaying threatening behaviors.

Furcifer verrucosus, commonly known as the warty chameleon, spiny chameleon, or crocodile chameleon, is a species of reptile endemic to Madagascar. It was first described by Georges Cuvier in 1829. It inhabits the dry, hot regions of southern and western Madagascar. These chameleons are highly adaptable and can survive in heavily disturbed...