Calumma parsonii Orange Eyes
courtesy Emmanuel van Heygen
Pictures courtesy Nathalie Lucas
C.(p.p.) "ORANGE EYE" from lowlands to middle elevations around 500m a.s.l. around the NE coast of Madagascar from Mananara in the north to as far south as Ampanakary (about 50km S of Toamasina - Tamatave)
Pictures courtesy Craig Durbin
courtesy Ousta Leti
courtesy Olaf Pronk
courtesy A. Tomaszek
Rhett A. Butler
courtesy Wildherps, Andasibe area, Alaotra-Mangoro region, Madagascar
courtesy Wildherps, Andasibe area, Alaotra-Mangoro region, Madagascar
courtesy Matthew Gallop
Photo reptiliatus, courtesy Jurgen van Overbeke
Photo James Cross